As you jump, pull your knees up toward your chest. Bend your knees in a quarter squat and, exploding off the balls of your feet, jump straight up in the air. Have fun with them but be safe and always do them on a softer surface that’s nice to your knees. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and lift your fully extended arms, palms down, to chest height.

The sky is the limit with these-as you get better and more explosive, you can try jumping onto higher and higher surfaces and combining them with other plyometrics moves. Perform a ninja jump onto a slightly higher surface in front of you. Step or jump down to the kneeling position and repeat. Perform a ninja jump then immediately jump up as high as you can. Sounds like I am in a tunnel - I will have to reshoot this one next week can't hear what I. Step back down to the kneeling position and repeat. Alex doing a Ninja jump then a ninja Tuck jump.

Perform a ninja jump, then jump up and immediately tuck your legs to your chest. Bend your hips and knees to lower your body into a quarter- squat. Explore Skimbles fitness and personal training ideas online.
Browse this and over 2,000 other exercises in the free Workout Trainer app for iOS and Android.
If you want to make the basic ninja jump more challenging, try them on sand or on a squishy surface! Ninja Tuck Jumps » Balance Exercises for Seniors Functional Strength Training. Stand with your feet between hip and shoulder-width apart and soften your knees. Learn how to do this exercise: NINJA TUCK JUMPS. Below is a video demonstration on how to perform the bodyweight tuck jump, which can be done for singular jumps or progressed into cyclical jumps.